The things that make you say holy crap and SMILE!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Life’s Lemons

What does not kill you makes you stronger. True or False?
I kind of hate this phrase but at the same full heartily believe it. Sadly right now I am also living it.
Not really ready to fully divulge the situation, but know everyone is healthy and our family (both extended and nuclear) remains intact. At the end of the day that is what is really important. This I know, but it doesn't make our current situation any easier.
What does not kill you may drive you crazy.
This is my life's mantra. I know I will not die, but I may actually lose my mind. I am hoping to drop a few pounds in the process. The only silver lining in this shitty shitty situation (insert self pity here and a SIGH for good measure.)
I made this my FB status earlier this week: If life gives you lemons do you make lemonade…or throw them back and say F.U. lemons?
Well here is a big F.U. to the lemons and praying my lemonade has some vodka in it.

1 comment:

  1. oh, i hope everything is ok. guess i don't really have any super duper words for you, but, well, let's have a drink??? ;)
