The things that make you say holy crap and SMILE!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mommy’s Mental Health

Hey blog, it's been awhile.

I have been stewing on a blog for a while now.

My struggle is how honest I want to be. This isn't exactly an anonymous venture, although sometimes I wish it was.

I wish I had been clever enough to start blogging with a pen name, a secret identity. That would make honesty way easier.

If there wasn't a face to the name.

I never like to make my blogs long.

I feel like you lose readers somewhere around 20 sentences but my topic will require more than my typical character limit.

Mental health.

More specifically Mommy Mental Health.

A little backstory….

Historically I was a laid back person.

My adolescent and teenage years would not be described as anxiety ridden. In fact they were the exact opposite.

I was relaxed, even sloppy.

I would say somewhere around 25 the changes started slowly creeping in.

That is the year that I got engaged. We bought a house.

At 26 I was married.

27 we had Grant.

28 we welcomed Carter.

Busy couple of years, no arguing that.

My anxiety started then.

First it was manageable.

A racing heart every now and then.

Then the chest pains started.

Mix in a little shortness of breath

Next the "jitters"

Sometimes my hands or feet would go numb and tingle.

Finally hyperventilating.

My mom says she can always tell because my eyes get wide.

My anxiety attacks are triggered at nothing and everything.

I'm having a little attack now as I type this. Probably a 2 on the scale of 1-10.

I have gone to my doctor about this several times over the past 5 years.

He would prescribe Lexapro. I would take it. My anxiety was manageable.

I hit 30 and I think I outgrew the Lexapro. It wasn't working.

My anxiety was/is worse than ever.

At times I have had to question if I was really losing my mind.

It is really really bad.

My anxiety has put me into "overdrive" in other areas of my life.

GERMS- I am now a "germaphobe" constantly cleaning, worrying about germs.

WORK-I work longer and harder at my job then I ever had before.

LIFE-Organizing everything is a priority.

As I sat in the psychiatrist's office I wouldn't dare touch the magazines.

All I could think of was the scuz that was on them from other people hands.

That's right I said psychiatrist.

I am strong enough to admit when something is beyond my control and I need help.

Plus Casey made encouraged me go.

I am now on a plethora of medication to get me to feel "normal."

I am almost 2 weeks into the meds and it typically take 3 weeks to feel the full effect.

I feel better but I'm not yet where I want to be.

The stupid pills make me so tired I am dragging ass at 5:00, I could use a good nap at 3:00.

I had sneaking suspicions that I had a little OCD.

I am happy to report that I do not have OCD.

I have OCD personality traits. There is a difference.

One you live with and one you medicate. I am living with mine.

So that is where I am today with mommy's mental health.

I am a work in progress.

It is time for the afternoon pill.


  1. I have tried twice to write a comment. I want to write someething ultra-supportive... something about how I'm glad you aren't anonymous, and how I'm glad you are able to write about life... and about how I understand how online life as a "real" person is hard... but everything I type seems stupid, and not as sincere as I mean it to be... so just know, I'm reading, I support you... and I'm glad you're a work in progress - we all are.

  2. I am completely with you on this. I am so glad I found this post, it's like you wrote down my exact thoughts on blogging anonymously vs. using your real identity. Especially when it comes to writing about mental health issues. I also deal with anxiety and panic disorder. I want to write about both, but don't have the guts to do so in the same blog. So I created a semi-anonymous blog separate from the personal blog that my friends and family know about. So far it's a good compromise. I say it's semi-anonymous because if one did a little digging, he/she could figure out it was me. It's a balancing act between wanting to write about the issues closest to you, revealing who you really are, being candid enough that you can relate to your readers and vice versa, but not disclosing so much for fear of being judged or labeled, and ultimately writing something that prevents you from getting a job or that top secret government security clearance you need! So YES, I completely understand.

  3. Mon~ I don't know how I missed this post from March. I totally get it. All of it. Thank you for posting.
    (side-kick in mommy madness)
