The things that make you say holy crap and SMILE!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Depression and Soft Serve

Below is an actual text convo that I sent to one of my very best friends tonight. I thought it perfectly captured my feelings and truly conveyed my writing skills:
ME: OMG Carter is wearing 2T. I'm dying. These are Grant’s clothes from last year. He is a big boy. Minor depression has set in. No more outfits with the word "months" in the size. Scratch that. Major depression setting in. P.S. I'm fat and too lazy to really care. Send help or brownies with vanilla soft serve.

FRIEND: Awwww that sucks!!! Talk to me when you buy size 6-7 LOL I’ve been suicidal for years. Let’s eat brownies together.

ME: No I’m fat. I know it. I hate it. Yet can’t find the inner drive to really give a crap.                      I wish texting burned calories

FRIEND:  If ur fat than I’m Carnie Wilson eating that tiny piece of toast…

Another wonderful example of why a girl needs really good friends in her life.
You can be fat, dreaming of vanilla soft serve, crying into the onesie that no longer fits your toddler and they can still make you laugh.
And that is PRICELESS.