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what a diffrence 2 years makes...a baby to big boy |
Honey you are giving me a run for my money. There is not another person on the planet that can drive me CRAZY and make me smile all within the same minute.
You are so very special and I hope I can always help you remember that. I truly love both you and your brother more than anything in the whole world. When I look back at my life, and think about the things I am most proud of…it will be you guys. Never forget how much I love you.
You were diagnosed with one million different allergies and have had to swear off eggs.
We introduced the epi pen into your life
You had some rough bouts of eczema, you may be a tough guy but you have some sensitive skin
You battled a multitude of ear infections, one you just couldn't shake, but pulled through like a trooper.
You found a love for all things related to the kitchen: pots, pans, bowls, spoons. I have had to empty and hide the contents of many of our drawers and cabinets
You have successfully broken the baby proofing mechanism on each and every cabinet
You got your first big boy hair cut thanks to dad. Mom was not a fan so we are growing it out. It's more your style.
You outgrew all clothes that are "months" and are now sporting a solid 2T
You shoe size jumped to an 8
You weigh 28lbs.
You are in a size 5 diaper even though you are just about ready to be potty trained we are holding out till summer.
You love the water, but are afraid of heights.
Your best friends are Uncle Kevin and Paw-Paw. You LOVE to call them on the phone and have LONG conversations.
Currently you are speaking in some kind of English/Japanese hybrid that is understandable only at certain times. You have a clear vocabulary of about 25 consistent words.
You love to play outside
You love bye-byes but are not always a fan of the car seat.