During a trip to Wal-Mart this evening with both of the boys I got to thinking. Wouldn't life as a mom be easier it the following things were socially acceptable:
- The fanny pack: now before you shudder and turn away, hear me out. Picture it fellow moms, you are out running errands, at the mall, or even the park. Your child wants a snack, falls down, needs a wet wipe you name it. All items would be safely tucked away in the fanny pack secured around your waist. Leaving both arms free to push the cart/stroller or carry babies without the annoying shoulder slippage of a purse. A chronic problem with my youngest Carter is as I carry him; he reaches into my purse and takes stuff out. Sometime to play with it, other times just to throw it. Not fun. A fanny pack would solve all these problems. Consider it the "hands free" option of handbags.
- The cell phone hip holster: again here me out. Picture it. You are out with the kids, you pick the location. Your cell phones rings, which then leads to a frantic search though the bouncy balls, discarded suckers, and forgotten sippy cups to find the phone. Sometimes I am left to go on ringtone alone because a visual cannot be established or I am guided to my phone only by the glow of the screen hidden amongst the rubble. Either way 9 times out of 10 I miss the call and moms you know once you miss a call it could be days or even weeks before you get around to returning the call. Now picture your cell phone securely fastened to your waistband at all times. No fumbling or fruitless searches, no missed calls. Use your imagination. It could be a beautiful thing.
I am too much a follower to start these "trends" solo. I'm just saying the fanny pack and hip holster could be a great tool in the mom tool belt if anyone is brave enough to take them on….let me know. I will be secretly cheering for you and slightly jealous!!!!!

Pictured: a chic fanny pack option (an oxymoron I know)…and if you must ask, YES those are my abs. Obviously.
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