The things that make you say holy crap and SMILE!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Soccer Saturday #2

I consider this an improvement from last week. I made myself feel better with the following points:

He is on the field

He is by the goal

He is near a ball

He is within earshot of the rest of the team

The other parents are telling me to "hang in there." Their kids are not unconscious on the field, easy for them to say.

We will miss next week's soccer extravaganza since my sister is getting married. The next session we go to we will be attending the "mommy and me" session. Clearly we are not ready to play with the big boys.

PS- I hate soccer. I hate all sports. Having to play soccer, even with my 3 year old is going to be painful and embarrassing….for both of us. Prayers and sympathy welcome.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Here Comes The Bride – Is My Gray Hair Showing?

My little sister is getting married on 10.2.10.

While I am very happy for her, I am dreading being a bridesmaid (for the 6th time I think).

I know that this is not about me. I am merely an accessory of the day. It is about my sister and her husband. But there is something to be said for a mom of 2 walking down the aisle and doing the chicken dance at the reception.

Tonight at my dress fitting (insert vomit sound here). I had to ask the seamstress to really tighten the straps so my boys can't rip it off of me. Nice.

Whatever. In the grand scheme of things, no one will give a crap about what I look like. For my own vanity I am REALLY hoping my new anti-aging products kick in within the next 9 days.

Here comes the bride followed by her cougar sister. Sick.

PS...I get to do it all over again on 6.25.10 for sister #3. Hell yeah Kopacs. Lets do this.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Winning the Battle Losing the War

Gray hair count for the week: 7

New Product to Try:
The Sacred Truth - LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics

"When you feel that your laughter lines are more crow's feet and you need a mini makeover with having to take a trip to the spa, then reach for The Sacred Truth. Masses of nutrients provided by nourishing papaya, softening yoghurt, peppy wheatgrass and a whole host of herbs will give tired skin a fantastic boost"

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Soccer Saturday

If a picture is worth a thousand words this should sum up our first soccer experience.

Yes that is my son lying on the field. That is the extent of his participation. Best $130 I ever spent.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Flashback to 1950

I have been working late the past two nights. I leave the house with the boys at 6:20 am and return home by 10:00 pm. SIGH.

On these nights Casey picks the boys up from my moms. I literally have no Idea what he does with them from 5:00 – bedtime.

Grant woke up this morning after a "boys night" with dad. I called Casey to ask how Grant got hurt last night. Casey said there were no injuries to report.

Our conversation went like this:

Me: did Grant get a bloody nose last night?

Casey: No he was fine why?

Me: he woke up with blood on his face and he doesn't know what happened.

Casey: it's not blood it's probably M&Ms. He was eating them in bed before he fell asleep.


While I am not at home my children are not bathed, teeth are not brushed, and the main source of nutrition is candy. Again AWESOME.

I forgot….when he put a ring on it we left for our honeymoon in a DeLorean
and flashbacked to 1950.

Don't worry dear. I'll take care of it, right after I finish dinner. Can I get you a cocktail while you wait?

Don't worry Casey I still love you

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Feelin’ a Little Famous!

I would like to preface this with I know I am so pathetic….But I feel so important. Check me out on!! Please vote for me!

Debbie Downer (a reflection on birth order)

Does your oldest child already act like an oldest?

I ask this because I wonder when I first fell into my role as the "oldest."

Last night was my sister Emma's bachelorette party. Emma is number 5 out of our clan of 10. She for all intensive purposes the middle child. She fills the role to a T. The baby of our family, Kurt is in fact a giant baby. Now don't get me wrong I love Kurt so very much but he is a 5'5 10 year old baby.

I have read some studies on birth order and I am a class oldest. Every aspect of my personality can be attributed to being the oldest of my family. Now I look at Grant and wonder if he is destined for the same fate.

I say this because being the oldest is something you never outgrow. It had advantages when we were little. I always got to ride in the front seat and my toys were always new. As an adult it was neat to be the first to graduate college, get married, and have kids. But as an adult I have found the advantages to become fewer and further between.

Case in point: last night. As I said, it was my sister's bachelorette party. All of my sisters ( well 4 of them – Carla is not of legal age to drink), my mom, and two friends hit the town. It became very clear, very fast, that I would be the oldest one, aka the responsible one. I made sure (to the best of my ability) that everyone was in control and appropriate (although Paula gave me a run for my money). In other words I had NO FUN. But I am the oldest. That is my job.

Birth order can be a bitch sometimes. I often have to be the voice of reason among all the crazies. Last night would have made a great episode on a reality series. We were like the Kardashians with smaller butts.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Bad mom…lessoned learned.

One calendar week has gone by. I have not sent out Grant's thank you for his birthday party.

Bad mom.

I did not have them designed ahead of time. First mistake.

Bad mom.

I did not have stamps ready to go. That was #2.

Bad mom.

I must send them out on Monday in order to save my reputation. I must.

Good mom...well here's hoping anyway.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Food for thought…

Personal confession….I am jealous of all the newly pregnant/almost ready to deliver moms out there. I feel like EVERYONE is pregnant except me.

Does this mean I am ready for number 3? I can't imagine it right now. The thought actually kind of scares me. After Grant I knew I wanted another baby right away. I could not get pregnant fast enough. Grant was 9 months old when we were blessed to find out I was pregnant with Carter.

I LOVE being pregnant. I feel like it is one of the very few things I am actually good at (I am not totally sure you can be "good" at being pregnant). It is a time I really enjoy, and it is not just about the food (although I do LOVE the food part). I just love growing a tiny baby and anticipating the birth. It is absolutely my favorite thing….but right now I am scared to be outnumbered.

What really sucks is that I am not really at an age to delay expanding our family. I will be at least 31 when the next one is born, or older. I always thought I wanted four kids. I am at a stage at my life where I consider altering my life plan?

While pregnant with Carter I just assumed I would have another baby right away. But that urge just didn't kick in as strong after his birth.

Is this sudden pang of jealous a sign that I am ready for number 3 or simply a play of peer pressure, following the everyone is doing it mentality?

It is something to think about….

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A note on the GROSS….proceed with caution.

There are many things as a mom you find gross but learn to handle.

I feel like I have tackled most of them pretty seamlessly.

I met my match last night….

I can't deal with poop. Specifically poop in underpants.

I gag.

I heave.

I can't do it. I really can't. I just threw everything away. Sorry Mother Earth. I have drawn the line.