The things that make you say holy crap and SMILE!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Food for thought…

Personal confession….I am jealous of all the newly pregnant/almost ready to deliver moms out there. I feel like EVERYONE is pregnant except me.

Does this mean I am ready for number 3? I can't imagine it right now. The thought actually kind of scares me. After Grant I knew I wanted another baby right away. I could not get pregnant fast enough. Grant was 9 months old when we were blessed to find out I was pregnant with Carter.

I LOVE being pregnant. I feel like it is one of the very few things I am actually good at (I am not totally sure you can be "good" at being pregnant). It is a time I really enjoy, and it is not just about the food (although I do LOVE the food part). I just love growing a tiny baby and anticipating the birth. It is absolutely my favorite thing….but right now I am scared to be outnumbered.

What really sucks is that I am not really at an age to delay expanding our family. I will be at least 31 when the next one is born, or older. I always thought I wanted four kids. I am at a stage at my life where I consider altering my life plan?

While pregnant with Carter I just assumed I would have another baby right away. But that urge just didn't kick in as strong after his birth.

Is this sudden pang of jealous a sign that I am ready for number 3 or simply a play of peer pressure, following the everyone is doing it mentality?

It is something to think about….

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