The things that make you say holy crap and SMILE!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Love and Hope in Tiny Packages

Anyone who is a mom of boys knows that is can be tough.

They are crazy.

And I love them like crazy.
Since my guys are close in age I have always had the hope that they will grow up to be best friends.
The awesome part is I see that relationship forming already.
When they are not fighting over the train set or the last chicken nugget, you can see they truly care about each other.
Those moments melt my heart and make me realize that although I question myself as a mother almost on a daily basis I am doing something right.
My boys love me and love each other.
At the end of the day when I contemplate my current life status, I see areas of my life literally falling apart in front of my eyes.
My boys love….real unconditional love gives me faith in our family's future.
I gave them life.
They have changed mine.

I have 2 little guys, 18 months apart.
I have the bruises to prove it.
I am always told by random ignorant strangers "Boy you have your hands full."
My boys are full of energy, very determined, and already extremely opinionated.
They play rough.
They break the rules.
They push my patience to the absolute limit.