The things that make you say holy crap and SMILE!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Play Ball…

Tonight my little guy is at his very first baseball game with his dad. I have to wonder, when did this happen? When did he get old enough for this? I'm sure other moms can relate to this…there are times when I look at my two boys and I can catch a glimpse, just a glimpse, of what they are going to look like as big boys. I see their little man faces poking out behind the baby eyes looking at me. When this happens I get goose bumps. I can see them growing up right before my eyes.

The other night they were in the tubby, being absolutely crazy as usual. I was tired; it was the end of a long day. I was ready to dry those two boys off and throw them in bed. I was counting the minutes until I had a single moment to myself. Then Grant said, "Hey mommy look at us." I looked and they were both standing up in the tub smiling at me. I had an official mom moment and right then it didn't matter that I had worked all day, had a two hour commute, and had tortilla chips and diet coke all day. What mattered was these two little boys, soaking wet, smiling at me.

Moments like the tubby make me realize that my tiny little guys are only little for such a short amount of time. People tell me this constantly, but I do not really get it until I experience it for myself. I see this a lot with Grant lately. He is almost 3, full of opinions and little quirks. We are currently trying to tackle potty training and that is another blog post so stay tuned. Carter, although he is walking, is still a baby. He is limited in communication but a snuggler at heart.
They are growing up right before my eyes and I have to make a conscious effort to take a moment. Too often I get caught up in the crap of my day and lose sight of what is really important. Their names are Grant and Carter and they are my heart.

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