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It's a Charlie Brown Christmas |
I set my alarm to work out this morning.
Today like soooo many other days it did not happen.
I turned my alarm off and went back to sleep….I overslept.
I woke at 6:20 a full HOUR past my usual wake up time.
I was flustered…ran to the bathroom and began to brush my teeth
with face wash.
Yes…I brushed my teeth with my face wash. I still have the taste in my mouth.
Will my teeth now benefit from the same anti-aging benefits the bottle promises?
My face wash gave me heartburn.
I consider this an improvement from last week. I made myself feel better with the following points:
• He is on the field
• He is by the goal
• He is near a ball
• He is within earshot of the rest of the team
The other parents are telling me to "hang in there." Their kids are not unconscious on the field, easy for them to say.
We will miss next week's soccer extravaganza since my sister is getting married. The next session we go to we will be attending the "mommy and me" session. Clearly we are not ready to play with the big boys.
PS- I hate soccer. I hate all sports. Having to play soccer, even with my 3 year old is going to be painful and embarrassing….for both of us. Prayers and sympathy welcome.
My little sister is getting married on 10.2.10.
While I am very happy for her, I am dreading being a bridesmaid (for the 6th time I think).
I know that this is not about me. I am merely an accessory of the day. It is about my sister and her husband. But there is something to be said for a mom of 2 walking down the aisle and doing the chicken dance at the reception.
Tonight at my dress fitting (insert vomit sound here). I had to ask the seamstress to really tighten the straps so my boys can't rip it off of me. Nice.
Whatever. In the grand scheme of things, no one will give a crap about what I look like. For my own vanity I am REALLY hoping my new anti-aging products kick in within the next 9 days.
Here comes the bride followed by her cougar sister. Sick.
PS...I get to do it all over again on 6.25.10 for sister #3. Hell yeah Kopacs. Lets do this.
Gray hair count for the week: 7
New Product to Try:
The Sacred Truth - LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics
"When you feel that your laughter lines are more crow's feet and you need a mini makeover with having to take a trip to the spa, then reach for The Sacred Truth. Masses of nutrients provided by nourishing papaya, softening yoghurt, peppy wheatgrass and a whole host of herbs will give tired skin a fantastic boost"
If a picture is worth a thousand words this should sum up our first soccer experience.
Yes that is my son lying on the field. That is the extent of his participation. Best $130 I ever spent.
On these nights Casey picks the boys up from my moms. I literally have no Idea what he does with them from 5:00 – bedtime.
Grant woke up this morning after a "boys night" with dad. I called Casey to ask how Grant got hurt last night. Casey said there were no injuries to report.
Our conversation went like this:
Me: did Grant get a bloody nose last night?
Casey: No he was fine why?
Me: he woke up with blood on his face and he doesn't know what happened.
Casey: it's not blood it's probably M&Ms. He was eating them in bed before he fell asleep.
While I am not at home my children are not bathed, teeth are not brushed, and the main source of nutrition is candy. Again AWESOME.
I forgot….when he put a ring on it we left for our honeymoon in a DeLorean
and flashbacked to 1950.
Don't worry dear. I'll take care of it, right after I finish dinner. Can I get you a cocktail while you wait?
♥Don't worry Casey I still love you ♥
I would like to preface this with I know I am so pathetic….But I feel so important. Check me out on topmommyblogs.com!! Please vote for me!
Does your oldest child already act like an oldest?
I ask this because I wonder when I first fell into my role as the "oldest."
Last night was my sister Emma's bachelorette party. Emma is number 5 out of our clan of 10. She for all intensive purposes the middle child. She fills the role to a T. The baby of our family, Kurt is in fact a giant baby. Now don't get me wrong I love Kurt so very much but he is a 5'5 10 year old baby.
I have read some studies on birth order and I am a class oldest. Every aspect of my personality can be attributed to being the oldest of my family. Now I look at Grant and wonder if he is destined for the same fate.
I say this because being the oldest is something you never outgrow. It had advantages when we were little. I always got to ride in the front seat and my toys were always new. As an adult it was neat to be the first to graduate college, get married, and have kids. But as an adult I have found the advantages to become fewer and further between.
Case in point: last night. As I said, it was my sister's bachelorette party. All of my sisters ( well 4 of them – Carla is not of legal age to drink), my mom, and two friends hit the town. It became very clear, very fast, that I would be the oldest one, aka the responsible one. I made sure (to the best of my ability) that everyone was in control and appropriate (although Paula gave me a run for my money). In other words I had NO FUN. But I am the oldest. That is my job.
Birth order can be a bitch sometimes. I often have to be the voice of reason among all the crazies. Last night would have made a great episode on a reality series. We were like the Kardashians with smaller butts.
One calendar week has gone by. I have not sent out Grant's thank you for his birthday party.
Bad mom.
I did not have them designed ahead of time. First mistake.
Bad mom.
I did not have stamps ready to go. That was #2.
Bad mom.
I must send them out on Monday in order to save my reputation. I must.
Good mom...well here's hoping anyway.
Personal confession….I am jealous of all the newly pregnant/almost ready to deliver moms out there. I feel like EVERYONE is pregnant except me.
Does this mean I am ready for number 3? I can't imagine it right now. The thought actually kind of scares me. After Grant I knew I wanted another baby right away. I could not get pregnant fast enough. Grant was 9 months old when we were blessed to find out I was pregnant with Carter.
I LOVE being pregnant. I feel like it is one of the very few things I am actually good at (I am not totally sure you can be "good" at being pregnant). It is a time I really enjoy, and it is not just about the food (although I do LOVE the food part). I just love growing a tiny baby and anticipating the birth. It is absolutely my favorite thing….but right now I am scared to be outnumbered.
What really sucks is that I am not really at an age to delay expanding our family. I will be at least 31 when the next one is born, or older. I always thought I wanted four kids. I am at a stage at my life where I consider altering my life plan?
While pregnant with Carter I just assumed I would have another baby right away. But that urge just didn't kick in as strong after his birth.
Is this sudden pang of jealous a sign that I am ready for number 3 or simply a play of peer pressure, following the everyone is doing it mentality?
It is something to think about….
There are many things as a mom you find gross but learn to handle.
I feel like I have tackled most of them pretty seamlessly.
I met my match last night….
I can't deal with poop. Specifically poop in underpants.
I gag.
I heave.
I can't do it. I really can't. I just threw everything away. Sorry Mother Earth. I have drawn the line.
I expected to have a long blog entry ready to go. I expected to recount the tears and the true horror I experienced. But I have none of that.
Grant went to his first day of preschool yesterday.
And it was easy!!! He was a total "adult" about going to school. He was excited, happy, and social. When it was time for me to leave I got a hug and "I love you mommy." That was it. I hung out in the hall with all the other pathetic moms waiting for the other shoe to drop, but it never did. Grant not only survived but he THRIVED in this new experience and I could not be more shocked and proud at the same time.
Someone at work told me I will blink and I will be dropping him off at college. Yesterday as I walked away from his classroom alone, with tears in my eyes, I was careful not to blink.
Let me set the scene. Grant, Carter and I on the way home from Grammy's house today.
Grant: Mommy, why we stopping?
Me: What color is the light?
Grant: Red
Me: What does red mean?
Grant: Stop
Me: And we are in traffic buddy.
Grant: I hate traffic.
Me: Me too buddy
Grant: Yeah mommy. True that.
I LOVE this age!!! Grant is turning 3 in September and he is just so much fun. We have (hopefully) navigated the terrible twos and are smoothly sailing into the KICK ASS threes!! Grant I know you are going to become a big boy one day but I hope you never lose your goof ball personality!
Dear Red Robin,
I would like to personally thank you for being one of the loudest restaurants on the planet. I mean that, I am sincerely thanking you.
My children screaming over their french fires and chicken fingers were no louder or more disruptive than the countless other sticky hand toddlers attacking their siblings over the onion ring tower.
I left your restaurant dirty, exhausted, and loaded down with countless calories, which is exactly how I like it. Our family survived a Friday night dining experience and I lived to tell the story. You are now my favorite dining establishment. We will be back, you have been warned.
God bless you!
During a trip to Wal-Mart this evening with both of the boys I got to thinking. Wouldn't life as a mom be easier it the following things were socially acceptable:
I am too much a follower to start these "trends" solo. I'm just saying the fanny pack and hip holster could be a great tool in the mom tool belt if anyone is brave enough to take them on….let me know. I will be secretly cheering for you and slightly jealous!!!!!
Pictured: a chic fanny pack option (an oxymoron I know)…and if you must ask, YES those are my abs. Obviously.
OMG....this is a statement I repeated several times this Friday.
Oh my God, look at that girl.
Oh my God, look at her dress.
Oh my God, what is she doing?!?!
A little back-story.
Casey had I will be celebrating out fourth wedding anniversary on 7/15. Casey planned a night out for us all by himself, which was very sweet and incredibly thoughtful. The boys spent the night at grandmas so we were free to hit the town which is something we clearly do not do very often.
Our evening began with a kick ass dinner at Cafe Provencal. Then Casey had planned a surprise for me, a night at the Four Seasons downtown. Which was amazing!!! After dinner we went to the hotel where Casey had gotten a bottle of wine and put it on ice and had flowers for me (so nice I know!!) We had cocktails on the rooftop deck and then headed to Lucas Park. This is a bar we used to frequent in our pre-baby days, but it had been almost four years since I had been there. Not much had changed, expect the crowd was roughly 9 years younger than us, but it was a nice group of respectable college graduates, or at least that was the story the girl I became friends with in the bathroom told me.
After our Lucas Park adventure it was about 12:30 and I was ready to call it a night. Casey however wanted to visit his good friend Matt who manages 15. I was a good sport and said sure...I had never been there. I had always pictured it as a nicer establishment. This is where the OMG began.
Hookers out in full force
I don't know if it was something in the cocktails or a full moon, but the hookers were out in full force at this place. When I say "hooker" I do not mean the literal translation, but it is the best word to use to describe the majority of the YOUNG girls at this bar. Let me paint this picture for you. I am enjoying a glass of champagne, compliments of Matt Ratz, and I look to the dance floor. Out there is a young (maybe 21), blonde, thin, girl in a leopard print "dress." Now "dress" is in quotations because at some points in the evening I felt like her OBGYN. It was that SHORT. She was dancing her actual ass off with some random guy, her friend then joined them. She and her friend, who was also in a "dress" then, began to make out. Fully make out. With each other while continuing to rub all over the guy they were dancing with. I would like you to now pause and picture my face when I was watching this.
I lost track of the leopard hooker but lucky me she resurfaced in the VIP section, where she began to give lap dances. To girls AND guys. At least she did not decimate. It was bad. Like Cancun bad. The worst part was that she really was not acting much different than the other girls around her. I think her taste in fashion is what first caught my eye. You may ask, why didn't you just stop looking?? That is a fair question, but it was like a car accident on the highway. You just have to look.
My question is this....so what is with these girls? I mean seriously. Has that much changed since I have been off the market? Is this what girls do now? I know everyone has a time in their life where they may have been a little wild and crazy but holy crap, I look like a celibate nun compared to these girls. I looked at Casey at some point and said "I'm calling Oprah; she needs to do a story about this." It was that bad. It was so bad that it is two days later and I am still talking about it. It was just not right! I look at my 14 year old sister and I can tell you this, if she ever acts anything like the hookers at 15 I will have my parents send her to military school or a convent. I am dead serious. OMG. It was just not right. Thank God I have two boys that happen to be perfect J. At least I won't have to worry about the leopard print dress (I hope).
For awhile now I have been thinking that I may have a slight problem with OCD. Now I am most definitely not touching every doorknob or washing my hands 2,000 times a day but I have a few "quirks" that have led me to wonder if there is something going on here.
What are my quirks you may ask? Well they seem to focus around cleaning. I am a freak about it. Now I am not a neat freak by definition but I LOVE to clean. Specifically vacuum. I cannot go to bed without vacuuming every night. The carpet needs to have vacuum lines on it and I have to be the last one to walk on it. According to my research and the ½ of a master degree I have in counseling, OCD is defined as an obsession/compulsion that impairs everyday life. So what happens if for some freak reason I do not get to vacuum? Well I won't drop dead, I can sleep at night, but when I wake up and have to get the day started I feel anxious and I have to clean. I cannot have the boys wake up to a messy house. Every night before bed I must vacuum the family room, sweep and vacuum the kitchen, wipe down the counters and table, load the dishwasher, and clean the sink. My clothes have to be out for the next day along with the boy's clothes. And then I may rest. This behavior does not bother me. It is just how I work and how I like things run, however it drives Casey insane which in turn makes him think I am just a little bit crazy. Being just a little crazy is OK with me, most of the people I know are just a little bit crazy in one way or another and that is what keeps things interesting.
My issue with myself diagnosed OCD is that it is now rubbing off on Grant. He is slowly becoming a mini me in many ways. He hates mess, he organizes his toys, he won't walk in the house with his shoes on, and must always wash his hands and turn off the light after he uses the potty. He is a little man after my own heart but I wonder if I am making him weird. I don't want him running around the playground crying because his hands are dirty or because some kid messed up his lineup of trains. Is it OK for him to be OCD like me? No matter how this shakes out I know one thing for sure. Grant is going to make on HELL of a husband so ladies lock up your daughters.
PS- I just realized I said vacuum like 20 times in this post so that be a clear indication that there is a problem here!!!
This is not really a blog post, it is a mental note. Something for me to reflect back on.
We have had a pretty big week. I am in the middle of my "staycation." I have been off work since June 30. To be honest I am LOVING being at home and I feel so very lucky that I have been able to experience some pretty major milestones with my boys. This is a shout-out to stay at home moms. Remember how lucky you are to be with your children every day. I know it is a tough job but I am so very jealous.
Anyway onto the milestones.
A little potty talk…
Grant started potty training this week. I was praying that this would be the one thing he caught on to really quickly. He was a slower walker and an even slower talker. He just likes to do things at his own pace. He is now running around like a crazy man and his vocabulary has been so advanced that we now have indepth conversations about all the character in Thomas the Train and the monsters that apparently reside in his room. I did not want to put any pressure on Grant but again I was praying that this potty training thing would be a piece of cake. However we got off to a rocky start. He hated the potty, he cried for his diaper…you get the picture. I promised him he could pick out any toy at the store if he used the potty (I know bribing is not endorsed by all the parenting know-it-alls out there, but I do what works) and guess what….it worked!!! Last night he went potty (July 5, 2010)!!!
Today he has consistently used the potty and even did a #2 (July 6. 2010) without any bribes or pleading from me (the #2 is TMI I know but again this is for family record).
Now I literally just read an article in Parenting that was all about celebrating your second child's accomplishments with equal or greater enthusiasm than your first so this one is for you Barter Boy…
Making strides…
For weeks, especially since summer has started I have begged Carter to please start walking. Like his brother he seemed to take this task on at his own pace. He is such a little stinker. I would watch his am I am still pretty sure that he has know how to walk for quite some time now. He simply did not want to do it. He would scoot his little but everywhere. At the pool he would act like a submarine and try to crawl under the water. He would scoot along the concrete to avoid knee injury. This kid knew what he was doing. Despite my pleas with him to walk he just would not do it. I told my mom I wish he understood money because I would totally pay him for his first step. I was worried that his walking would finally take off and I would be at work. My mom would be the one to congratulate him and give him all the kisses and praise. These are moments that I treasure and I desperately want to take part in, so I was so very please when Carter decided to get down to business.
This week Carter has started walking!!! As of yesterday, July 5, 2010 I am calling him an official walker. It is still not his 100% preferred mode of transportation but the kid can do it. My baby is walking and I am so very proud of him. His 15 month check-up is tomorrow and I am so happy that I can report that he is a walker. Way to go Barter Boy…you make mommy proud!!!
* Note to Carter: Grant did not get a blog post about his first step so this makes you extra special!!!
Boys- I am so happy to be able to spend this time with you. I am so proud to be your mom. Even though you drive me crazy sometimes, being your mom is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to me. Thanks for being such wonderful kids.