The things that make you say holy crap and SMILE!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Text Heard Around the World

I guess what they say is true. When it rains, it pours.

Now of course I am being slightly mellow dramatic when I make this statement. Lets look at today as an example. Last night I FINALLY got my kitchen put back together. The doors are hung and new baseboards up. Sigh of relief. Life may return to normal after the week long tile encounter. Side note here…I do LOVE my new floor. I mean I walk into my kitchen and I actually smile. My tile makes me happy which is a sad statement in and of itself. So the kitchen is put back together and I go to bed. Scene…right? Wrong. Cut to this morning.

Typical morning. I get up, get ready, get the boys up, we do breakfast, and get dressed. I had attempted to get Carter to eat beans for dinner, kidney beans specifically. Side note….I feel like he does not get enough protein, he does not eat meat and by recommendation of his allergist avoids nuts like the black plague. So I tried beans, no dice. So this morning I took the bag of beans that had been soaking for the past 15 hours and dumped them down the garbage disposal. Really stupid move. Fast forward….sink clogged, pipe leaking, garbage disposable jammed. All before 7:30 am. Thank god I had a cup of tea first. My clean, perfect, newly put together kitchen is now covered in a mash of bean mess. Sick. With little time to spare and Casey's plunging attempt a failure. I put a bucket under the leaky sink and leave to drop off the boys. On my way to work I stop for a both a coffee AND a diet mountain dew at Quick Trip, I knew it was going to be that kind of day. I get to work to discover that I had left my laptop and portfolio at home, go back home and retrieve the necessary items. At his point it is 8:45. I have already driven for over an hour and have not accomplished any actual "work" at the job I get paid for. I need to take a moment to feel sorry for myself – insert feeling sorry for myself here - . I make it back to work, and settle into my routine, ready to get down to business. I then hear the beep of my phone indicating a text.

Now the ladies out there know how I feel. You have the weight of the world on your shoulders. You do more before 8:00 am than most people do in a day. You go to a job you resent because you really want to spend your days at home with your babies. You feel like you have burned your days worth of calories running to and from your car. When you are stressed you tend to take it out on your husband. When you need help you don't want him to ask "what can I do" you want him to read your mind and meet your needs.

But anyway I degrees, I get a text. It is from Casey. It is three little words. Think about the combination of words this could be. What could brighten my day? What could ease my stress? Was it I love you? You're the best? You are hot? NOPE. It was three words that sealed my deal. It was the icing on my cake. The text said, WHATS FOR DINNER. Enough said.

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