The things that make you say holy crap and SMILE!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

OCD like me?

For awhile now I have been thinking that I may have a slight problem with OCD. Now I am most definitely not touching every doorknob or washing my hands 2,000 times a day but I have a few "quirks" that have led me to wonder if there is something going on here.

What are my quirks you may ask? Well they seem to focus around cleaning. I am a freak about it. Now I am not a neat freak by definition but I LOVE to clean. Specifically vacuum. I cannot go to bed without vacuuming every night. The carpet needs to have vacuum lines on it and I have to be the last one to walk on it. According to my research and the ½ of a master degree I have in counseling, OCD is defined as an obsession/compulsion that impairs everyday life. So what happens if for some freak reason I do not get to vacuum? Well I won't drop dead, I can sleep at night, but when I wake up and have to get the day started I feel anxious and I have to clean. I cannot have the boys wake up to a messy house. Every night before bed I must vacuum the family room, sweep and vacuum the kitchen, wipe down the counters and table, load the dishwasher, and clean the sink. My clothes have to be out for the next day along with the boy's clothes. And then I may rest. This behavior does not bother me. It is just how I work and how I like things run, however it drives Casey insane which in turn makes him think I am just a little bit crazy. Being just a little crazy is OK with me, most of the people I know are just a little bit crazy in one way or another and that is what keeps things interesting.

My issue with myself diagnosed OCD is that it is now rubbing off on Grant. He is slowly becoming a mini me in many ways. He hates mess, he organizes his toys, he won't walk in the house with his shoes on, and must always wash his hands and turn off the light after he uses the potty. He is a little man after my own heart but I wonder if I am making him weird. I don't want him running around the playground crying because his hands are dirty or because some kid messed up his lineup of trains. Is it OK for him to be OCD like me? No matter how this shakes out I know one thing for sure. Grant is going to make on HELL of a husband so ladies lock up your daughters.

PS- I just realized I said vacuum like 20 times in this post so that be a clear indication that there is a problem here!!!

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